Are You Feeling Lucky? Derren Brown Does.

Anon E. MooseAmalgam Coast, Mysteries and Discoveries

Are you lucky? I consider myself extremely lucky, and have always felt like my attitude and the way I connect with the environment has a huge impact on the opportunities that arise in my daily life. In this webisode, incarnate sorcerer of the 43rd degree Derren Brown attempts to show just how true this can be in an experiment on the secret behind getting lucky… er, rather being lucky. Click through to see how DB goes to one small town to fuel his own myths, and creates a powerful cultural symbol of luck out of thin air. Ultimately, he knows he has to come clean to the town folk, thus setting the stage: the crowd watches and cheers as one self-professed unlucky man risks his entire life savings on a dice game. Heartfelt experiment with a lucky outcome, or yet another piece of DB’s sinister plan to devour the soul of our collective humanity? Like DB says, “you should always change your mind if given the choice.”

Derren Brown – The Experiments: The Secret of Luck (Full) – YouTube (by ScepticaTV).

Also, here’s a litte something for those of you who believe that Derren Brown is actually the Devil, which statistically speaking (and based on the black magic ceremonies he has performed) is probably true.