Paths To Zero

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, War and Poverty

Although it was released over five years ago, this production on encouraging the elimination and prohibition of nuclear weapons, is still one of the most relevant and salient arguments for a discussion that is not yet being had in open political or public forums. This is one of the most urgent issues of our time, and will only become increasingly so …

PreCrime Policing

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, Rapid Developments

Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes – The New York Times. It may seem a bit like a sci-fi movie future crimes division, but predictive policing is now possible with local and global surveillance systems able provide real time data on persons of interest, correlated with a continuous stream of communications and location data to derive patterns, mood, …

Hacking the Brain – Rinse and Repeat

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, Rapid Developments

The beginning of true human cyborgs? Apply skepticism liberally. Rinse and repeat. “Scientists from China and the US have found a pioneering way to inject a tiny electronic mesh sensor into the brain that fully integrates with cerebral matter and enables computers to monitor brain activity.” Brain hack video for your entertainment purposes only. We take no responsibility for states …

How the Commons Was Lost and The Tools We Need to Revive It

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, Rapid Developments

The UN is planning to unveil their new “global Agenda” in September: Accepted by all… universal, and perfect in every way: “5. This is an Agenda of unprecedented scope and significance. It is accepted by all countries and is applicable to all, taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development and respecting national policies and priorities. These …

Critical Moments in Time

Anon E. MooseAmalgam Coast, Consciousness

State of Emergency Called in Ferguson after Gunfire Mars Protests “Get to the Sidewalk or Face Arrest” – “My son was running to the police to ask for help, and he was shot,” he said. “It’s all a bunch of lies … They’re making my son look like a criminal.” Google Creates Alphabet, a New Company to Rule Them All – GIZMODO Here …

Show of Force

Anon E. MooseConsciousness

“I just got pulled over by a tank, I’m still in shock.” What will be immediately obvious to most is that it’s not ACTUALLY a tank, but that’s not really the point is it? A veteran in Gainesville FL. was pulled over, by cops wearing military fatigues, body armor, and rolling around in a rebranded military armored personnel carrier, for executing an improper …

Dear Veteran

Anon E. MooseConsciousness

Translation: “Dear Veteran, We decided… since we no longer need you to participate in our wars, and frankly are tired of having to contribute to the problems that we caused in your life, we are going to do something we are confident will make you most upset. Also, this is your notice that we are very afraid of the knowledge …

Over Connected Awareness

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, War and Poverty

Soccer-bot Passes Logic Driven Self-Awareness Test AI Could Go Crazy, Start Seeing Things That Aren’t There The Next WMD AI in Ads Future Wars: Drones and Supersoldiers (and sooner than you think) |  Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It | Wired@Youtube

The Biggest Brand In America: Racism

Anon E. MooseConsciousness

The Criminalization of Black Children in McKinney, Texas, and Schools Across America – SPLC Confederate Flag Debate a Distraction (From Systemic Racism) – Reuters String of Nighttime Fires Hit Predominately Black Churches in Four Southern States – SPLC Witness Records LAPD Handcuffing Man After Shooting Him in Head – Church shooting suspect Dylann Roof captured amid hate crime investigation …

Attention Bloggers!

Anon E. MooseConsciousness

A message from Robert D. Steele, the Open Source Everything guy. While this particular video has been around, it merits serious consideration and thoughtful debate. Are bloggers the heralds and Paul Revere’s of a new information paradigm? Can citizen journalism help defend the public good? What is the true purpose of rule by secrecy? The comptroller general has told Congress the United …

The Meaning of Equal Opportunity

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, poliTics

Be advised, the following excerpts are from the military’s mandatory Equal Opportunity Training Guide, COA Jan 2013 (obtained using a FOIA request): Concerning “The responsibility of each and every military member to help combat extremism in the military,” troops are being told “Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and …

This Guy Wants Body Armor to be Illegal for you to Own

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, poliTics

Rep. Michael Honda is sponsoring H. R. 5344 “To prohibit the purchase, ownership, or possession of enhanced body armor by civilians” because he thinks “This bill will keep military body armor out of the wrong hands,”. He would put you in jail for up to 10 years, “(8) Whoever knowingly violates section 932 shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not …