ArtIsInFormation Creative Design Studio | Film Music Multimedia

Experience Design – Full Spectrum Creative Studio

Anon E. MooseSolutions

ArtIsInFormation is a full spectrum multimedia & technology solutions studio, creating high impact visuals, music, experiential art and information. With the capability and vision to go anywhere in service and collaboration with artists, creators, local businesses, cultural events & festivals, and visionaries. Welcoming new clients, collaborators, and referral bonuses!  ArtIsInFormation – Celebrating 10 Years as a Creative Design Studio in …

Experiential Design and the Frontiers of Spatial Technology – ArtIsInFormation

Anon E. MooseEnvironment, Film, Solutions

This is a premiere 360 film trailer for experiential environments and technologies in development. Experiential Design and Interactive Learning Environments Imagine an experiential platform where you’re flying through the solar system, encountering enchanting planetary vistas, epic spatial audio immersion, and interactive information environments. I invite you to further imagine a future where technology serves humanity in profoundly beneficial ways. If …

unicorns disappear plan systems

Disappearing Unicorns and the Black Swans of 2020

Anon E. MooseRapid Developments, Solutions

In this time of heightened uncertainty, there is a decisive need for systems that facilitate Privacy, Logistics, Accessibility, and Networks that are resilient. The systems that we have become comfortable depending on are not nearly as reliable or benign as many would like to imagine. This is becoming more evident by the day, as the impact of not having adequate …

PLAN Systems Visual Collaboration Tools

PLAN Systems ⏣ OpenSource Tools for Collaboration

Anon E. MooseSolutions

A letter from the Founders of PLAN Systems. We are pleased to be co-leading development of PLAN, a unique collaboration and communication tool for organizations, communities, and private networks of people. PLAN Systems is an Austin based non-profit, currently pending 501(c)(3), and on track for a technical prototype by Q1 2020. The story of PLAN centers around giving people and …

Good Protocols and Decentralized Tools for Everyone

Anon E. MooseSolutions

The internet can be weaponized. That’s according to Sir Tim Berners-lee, one of the progenitors of the internet in a featured Guardian article. If you have ever tried to create a website, or share large amounts of information without a 3rd-party data service, you quickly realize that the internet in it’s current form is pretty broken. It’s the kind of …

A Proven Framework for Organizing Communities

Anon E. MooseElinor Ostrom, Solutions

HERE is PART of the SOLUTION: A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems Most people sell this information. We are giving it away for you to recreate in your own environment. Implement these suggestions and historic practices of sustainable communities, for a better life, relationships, understanding.

Austin’s Inside Books Project

Anon E. MooseSolutions

Wondering the sometimes seeming aimless veering roads of Austin, you might have inadvertently passed it, or perhaps you pass it everyday, never noticing, ever emoji-texting. The Austin Inside Books Project, a 501(c) non-profit, sits inauspiciously near the corner of 12th and Airport responding to requests for knowledge from Texas inmates, quietly  promoting literacy and education to an ever growing and highly marginalized population …


Anon E. MooseSolutions

[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PL-zwWqC2Ihg5bjZA7uPBteGT58jE8N4Zm” videowidth=”580″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”light” color=”white” autoplay=”0″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ maxitems=”10″ thumb_width=”133″ thumb_ratio=”16×9″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”0″ description=”0″ promotion=”0″ pagination_show=”0″ description_words_number=”0″ key=”AIzaSyDTdLTGvNgD_6MeWhX5AXnPJEGxPo_teS4″]

Time for an Upgrade

Anon E. MoosepoliTics, Solutions

Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era – YouTube. In case anyone watches the featured video and wonders, “yes… but what are the actual mechanisms that allow individuals to organize and make sound decisions regarding diverse ecosystems, while also managing critical resources for human survival?” That is a great question! There are indeed some very compelling examples and …