Paths To Zero

Anon E. MooseConsciousness, War and Poverty

Although it was released over five years ago, this production on encouraging the elimination and prohibition of nuclear weapons, is still one of the most relevant and salient arguments for a discussion that is not yet being had in open political or public forums. This is one of the most urgent issues of our time, and will only become increasingly so with aging infrastructure/systems and inevitable proliferation (whether on purpose or by accident).

If you know folks who vote, an elector, Congress-person, or other influential (well-funded) lobbyist person(s), please get them this message from the Federation of American Scientists. It really is in all of our interest. I’ve posted this before, but again I leave you with Paths To Zero (<–click link or see above).

The World Medical Association condemns nuclear weapons | WMA

Iceland Votes Against Nuclear Weapons Ban: “given their indiscriminate nature and potential to annihilate humanity, nuclear weapons are inherently immoral”

A Strawman Argument | Huffington Post

Here is some other unbelievable productions that should convince you to share this information: