A List Of GMO Free Food Companies or Maybe Just Quit Eating

Anon E. MooseEnvironment

Sometimes you may just want to eat a little transgenic food, and I understand that. It is new, innovative, and a little risk is exciting, right! We could someday have glowing spaghetti that can be eaten in the dark, strawberries as big as apples that self-regenerate, and chickens with a six pack of leg-thigh combos ready for the bacon infused …

To Eat or Not To Eat, That is the Question, A Poem

Anon E. MooseThe Art, Written or Spoken Word

To eat, or not to eat, that is the question: Whether ‘tis noticable in the stomach to suffer The pangs and harrows of outrageous Fortunes, Or to make farms against a Sea of Turtles, And by unemploying end them: to die, to sheep No more; and by a sheep, to say we end The stomach-ache, and the thousand unNatural ads …