What Ex-CIA Officier John Kiriakou Learned in Prison

Anon E. MooseUn-Intelligence

What is the difference between a whistle blower and a criminal? What does the 40hr work week have to do with being a recently released inmate? How do you survive in prison when you’ve been declared a national security threat for revealing information about government interrogation techniques? You can ponder all this (and more) while watching the following Vice News …

Opening the File on Oppenheimer

Anon E. MooseMysteries and Discoveries, War and Poverty

Secrets don’t last forever, especially when so much history is ensconced on ledgers meticulously recorded by dedicated court scribes. After being lost for some number of years, the unabridged version of the Oppenheimer hearing can now be viewed in all it’s uncensored glory. Although this story is over a half century long at this point, there is much to be learned from that one time the U.S. …