The Tree Nursery

Anon E. MooseEnvironment

How to grow 35,000 trees! This was such a fun project to watch literally be created before my eyes…  The UT Tree Nursery at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center in Austin is an ongoing effort towards…well, namely growing trees! The nursery has expanded greatly, and is now a brimming orchard housing over 70,000 trees of all types. The Loblolly …

Amazing Science – Changing how We Grow

Anon E. MooseEnvironment

Amazing Science – Changing how We Grow (by UTesi) Imagine, the minuscule algae from waste water ponds could supply energy, while simultaneously helping solve major problems like agricultural run-off, dead-zones, and green-house inducing carbon emissions. I am honestly amazed more people aren’t talking about this amazing discovery. Video produced here in Austin Texas for the Environmental Science Institute. (Source: …